Atomic and nuclear properties of materials:
Lanthanum (La)
QuantityValueUnits ValueUnits
Atomic number 57     
Atomic mass 138.90547(7) g mole-1   
Specific gravity 6.15 g cm-3   
Minimum ionization 1.231 MeV g-1cm2 7.574 MeV cm-1
Nuclear collision length 102.4 g cm-2 16.63 cm
Nuclear interaction length 175.3 g cm-2 28.48 cm
Radiation length 8.14 g cm-2 1.322 cm
Critical energy 10.63 MeV (for e-) 10.27 MeV (for e+)
Molière radius 16.24 g cm-2 2.639 cm
Plasma energy 45.79 eV   
Muon critical energy 188. GeV   
For muons, dE/dx = a(E) + b(E) E. Tables of b(E): PS PDF TEXT
Table of muon dE/dx and Range: PS PDF TEXT
Explanation of some entries
Table of isotopes
x ray mass attenuation coefficients