Atomic and nuclear properties of materials:
UNCONFIRMED Not yet discovered
Status as of January 2007 (pdf)
Atomic number 117  
Atomic mass [292.0000] g mole-1
Specific gravity ?? g cm-3
Minimum ionization 1.093 MeV g-1cm2
Nuclear collision length 125.7 g cm-2
Nuclear interaction length 223.8 g cm-2
Radiation length 4.91 g cm-2
Critical energy 5.62 MeV (for e-)
Molière radius 18.53 g cm-2
Plasma energy 68.25 eV
Muon critical energy 112. GeV
For muons, dE/dx = a(E) + b(E) E. Tables of b(E): PS PDF TEXT
Table of muon dE/dx and Range: PS PDF TEXT
Explanation of some entries
Note: One of the atomic masses reported by the JINR-LLNL group is given.
Note: Density 14.0 g/cm3 and Ieff = 1227 eV assumed in calculating critical energies and dE/dx.