13 Papers with 13 Measurements for encoder GRAB on 10-Dec-2014
Status Dates: 11/30/2014 to 12/11/2014
Status Flags are: UNRELEASED
Contents Modes are: UNKNOWN
Publication Modes are: NEW, PUBLISHED

Click on the journal reference to find article in INSPIRE. Make sure to use the journal, as opposed to arXiv, version for encoding.

EPJ C74 3180 HOFERICHTER 14 LIN S004 mu
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/09/2014 T
PL B733 190 BRYMAN 14 WOHLSTAB S016 p
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/02/2014 lifetime
PL B738 6 COLANGELO 14B LIN S004 mu
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/09/2014 T
PL B738 123 ENGEL 14 LIN S004 mu
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/09/2014 T
PL B738 268 EWALD 14 WOHLSTAB S019 Sigma+
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/01/2014 polarization
PR C90 045207 ADLARSON 14A BERINGER S014 eta
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/02/2014 Dalitz analys$
PR C90 054334 GRACZYK 14 WOHLSTAB S016 p
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/02/2014 radius
PR D90 072005 ABE 14I WOHLSTAB S016 p
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/09/2014 SuperK
PR D90 073004 KARSHENBOIM 14B LIN S004 mu
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/09/2014 T
PR D90 074019 AGAEV 14 BERINGER S014 eta
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/09/2014 T
PR D90 072005 ABE 14G WOHLSTAB S016 p
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/01/2014 decay
PR D90 072008 ADARE 14A BERINGER S014 eta
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/01/2014 spin asymm. p$
PR D90 074027 EPSTEIN 14 WOHLSTAB S016 p
unreleased unknown
new GRAB 12/01/2014 mag. moment