2 Papers with 2 Measurements for physicist MILSTEAD on 20-Jan-2017
Status Dates: 10/16/2016 to 01/21/2017
Status Flags are: UNRELEASED
Contents Modes are: UNKNOWN, DATA, EMPTY
Publication Modes are: NEW, PUBLISHED

Click on the journal reference to find article in INSPIRE. Make sure to use the journal, as opposed to arXiv, version for encoding.

PR D94 082002 AAD 16BE MILSTEAD S028 Magnetic Mono$
unreleased unknown
new MILSTEAD 11/20/2016 Pierre Auger
ARXIV:1611.06817 ACHARYA 17 MILSTEAD S028 Magnetic Mono$
unreleased unknown
new MILSTEAD 01/20/2017 MoEDAL,magn.m$