Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials
for 292 substances

This AtomicNuclearProperties page is under development. Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Page maintained by Don Groom .
Revised 2004 June 28

Elements 1-17 (Hydrogen-Chlorine):
Elements 18-41 (Argon-Niobium)
Elements 41-67 (Molybdenum-Holmium)
Elements 68-97 (Erbium-Berkelium)
Simple compounds (Acetone—Ethane)
Simple compounds (Ethanol–Methane)
Simple compounds (Methanol–Xylene)
Biological materials
The dE/dx and range algorithms are described in D.E. Groom, N.V. Mokhov, and S.I. Striganov, ``Muon stopping-power and range tables, 10 MeV--100 TeV,'' Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 78, 183-356 (2001). Nearly-identical tables for many of the materials are given.

Information about isotopes:

Atomic weights and isotopic composition:

xray absorption and other optical data for 30-10 000 eV:

NIST stopping power and range tables for electrons in selected materials:
NIST stopping power and range tables for protons in selected materials:

NIST stopping power and range tables for alpha particles in selected materials:

Wooden periodic table table

INVITATION TO BE A PDG AUTHOR: Nuclear collision and interactions lengths are so far missing. A qualified person to supply code for these quantities for the chemical elements is invited to contact the author.