My RPP 2014
November 05, 2014
You can download RPP 2014 web edition
to your computer to access it
when not connected to the network
File | Platform | Comments (220 Mb installed) | | XP / Win 7 |
- Download file (100 Mb); - Double-click on the icon of the downloaded file to extract rpp-2014 from archive; - Double-click on the icon on index.html file inside extracted rpp-2014; - You can Bookmark this page as your local RPP-2014; |
rpp-2014.dmg | Mac OS X | - Download rpp-2014.dmg file (105 Mb); - Double-click on the icon of donwloaded rpp-2014.dmg file to extract rpp-2014 image from archive; - Double-click on index.html file inside rpp-2014; - You can Bookmark this page as your local RPP-2014; |
rpp-2014.tgz | Unix |
- Download rpp-2014.tgz file (99 Mb); - Extract rpp-2014 from archive: tar -xvzf rpp-2014.tgz or (if your "tar" does not support "-z" option) gunzip -c rpp.tgz | tar -xvf - - Point your browser at rpp-2014/index.html file; - You can Bookmark this page as your local RPP-2014; |