Atomic and nuclear properties of nihonium (Nh)

Recognized by IUPAC on December 2015, tentative name as of June 2016.
Status of heaviest elements as of June 2016 (pdf)
Atomic number 113  
Atomic mass [286.182(6)] g mole-1
Specific gravity ?? g cm-3
Mean excitation energy 1171.0 eV
Minimum ionization 1.091 MeV g-1cm2
Nuclear collision length 125.0 g cm-2
Nuclear interaction length 222.3 g cm-2
Pion collision length 147.5 g cm-2
Pion interaction length 248.1 g cm-2
Radiation length 5.10 g cm-2
Critical energy 5.84 MeV (for e-)
Molière radius 18.53 g cm-2
Plasma energy ωp 67.99 eV
Muon critical energy 112. GeV
For muons, dE/dx = a(E) + b(E) E. Tables of b(E): PDF TEXT
Table of muon dE/dx and Range: PDF TEXT
Explanation of some entries
Note: One of the atomic masses reported by the JINR-LLNL group is given.
Note: Density 14.0 g/cm3 and Ieff = 1171 eV assumed in calculating critical energies and dE/dx.