PDG Computer Downloads

Entire website except pdgLive. (About 140Mb downloaded, 170Mb installed)
Book & Booklet (2022)
Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2022, 083C01 (2022) (2270 pages, 165 Mbytes)  
Booklet (274 pages, 13 Mbytes)  

Computer Readable Files

Tables of particle information

A table of masses, widths, and PDG Monte Carlo particle ID numbers

Cross Sections and related quantities (2022)

Programmatic access to PDG data (early beta release, for testing only)

Access PDG data in machine-readable format via a REST API, a Python API, or by downloading SQLite database files. Available as an early beta release for testing only.

PDG Identifiers

Information on, and lists of, the digital object identifiers ("PDG Identifiers") defined by PDG to reference particle physics quantities.