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Particle Listings
in the 1997 WWW Review of Particle Physics

Cut-off date for this update was January 15, 1997. We also present an alphabetical version of this index.

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We provide PostScript files of the update of the Particle Listings through January 15, 1997. Included are new fits and averages, and ideograms. Review articles are not presented.

* GAUGE AND HIGGS BOSONS (gamma, W, Z, W', Z', ...)

* LEPTONS (e, muon, tau, neutrinos, heavy leptons ...)

* QUARKS (u, d, s, c, b, t, ...)

* MESONS (pi, K, D, B, psi, Upsilon, ...)

* BARYONS (p, n, Lambda_b, Xi, ...)

* OTHER SEARCHES (SUSY, Compositeness, ...)

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If you have problems, errata, or comments concerning the content of the Review of Particle Physics or concerning our WWW presentation, please send mail to pdg@lbl.gov.

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Betty Armstrong