Particle Data Group

Notes in the Particle Listings

in the 2009 Review of Particle Physics
Figures in reviews are available for this review.
Please use this CITATION: C. Amsler et al. (Particle Data Group), Physics Letters B667, 1 (2008) and
2009 partial update for the 2010 edition
Cut-off date for this update was January 15, 2009.

Other topics are covered in the Reviews, Tables, and Plots and in the Particle Listings

Notes in the Gauge and Higgs Boson Listings
Notes in the Lepton Listings
Notes in the Quark Listings
Notes in the Meson Listings
Notes in the Meson Resonance Listings
Notes in the Baryon Listings
Notes in the Search Listings

See the Boson Particle Listings for searches for Higgs bosons, other heavy bosons, and axions and other very light bosons, the Lepton Particle Listings for searches for heavy leptons and for neutrino mixing, and the Meson Particle Listings for searches for top and fourth-generation hadrons.