The Particle Data Group (PDG) is an international collaboration that provides a comprehensive summary of Particle Physics and related areas of Cosmology: the
Review of Particle Physics.
The PDG collaboration currently (as of the 2022 edition) has
239 authors and 4 technical associates from 172 institutions in 26 countries.
It is led by a coordination team based mostly at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL),
which has served as PDG's headquarters since inception.
In fall 2017, the coordination team was expanded to include a person supported by
The organization of the PDG collaboration is shown in the figure below.
Review of Particle Physics is updated yearly and published every two years in a HEP journal.
It includes a compilation and evaluation of measurements of the properties of known elementary particles and summarizes searches for hypothetical new particles.
For the 2022 edition, 2,143 new measurements from 709 papers were added, in addition to 44,695 measurements from 12,200 papers that first appeared in previous editions.
120 individual review articles discuss topics such as as Higgs bosons, supersymmetry, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, probability, statistics, accelerators and detectors.
In addition to the 2,400-page journal publication, the
Review of Particle Physics is available as
- a printed PDG Book (1,100 pages, the Particle Listings are no longer printed),
- a Booklet (300 pages, also available as a mobile version),
- PDF files on the PDG web site,
- interactively from pdgLive.
In the over 60 years since PDG started with the publication of the first wallet cards (W.H. Barkas and A.H. Rosenfeld, UCRL-8030), the
Review of Particle Physics has become one of the most-cited publications in particle physics. A summary of the early history of PDG can be found in
Art Rosenfeld's 1975 article.
feature article in the November 2017 issue of the CERN Courier provides a more recent overview.
The publication of the
Review of Particle Physics is supported by the Office of High Energy Physics of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE); by an implementing arrangement between the governments of Japan (MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) and the United States (DOE) on cooperative research and development; by the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN); by the Physical Society of Japan (JPS); and by the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN). Individual collaborators receive support for their PDG activities from their respective institutes or funding agencies.