Errata for the 2024 Review of Particle Physics
S. Navas et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 110, 030001 (2024)

During the time between editions of the Review of Particle Physics and the Particle Physics Booklet, we often find a number of errata. We correct most errata on our WWW pages. If you should find errata that are not known to us, please send mail to pdg @

For errata in previous editions, please see:

Pages 16, 54 of the web version:
$D^0$ particle summary (web version page 16, 54)
(September 12, 2024):
$D^0$ decay mode $K^- \pi^+ \pi^- 2\pi^0$ should read: $K^{0}_{S} \pi^+ \pi^- 2\pi^0$;
Page 62 of the journal/book version (pages 30, 103 of the web versions; page 100 of the booklet):
$B^0$ particle summary (journal/book version page 103) (web version page 30, 103; booklet page 100)
(December 20, 2024):
- $C_{\pi^0 \pi^0}$($B^0 \to \pi^0 \pi^0$) value should read: $-0.25 \pm 0.20$;
Page 100 of the journal/book publication (pages 1, 27 of the web version, booklet page 182):
$\Sigma^+$ particle summary (journal/book version page 100) (web version page 1, 27, page 182 of the booklet)
(September 9, 2024):
$\Sigma^+$ DECAY MODES should read:
$p \pi^0$      $(51.47 \pm 0.30)$%
$n \pi^+$     $(48.43 \pm 0.30)$%
$p \gamma$        $(1.04 \pm 0.06)\times 10^{-3}$,  S=2.4
Page 103 of the journal/book publication (pages 2, 38 of the web version, booklet page 188):
$\Lambda_c^+$ particle summary (journal/book version page 103) (web version page 2, 38, page 188 of the booklet)
(October 3, 2024):
$(\alpha + \bar\alpha)/(\alpha - \bar\alpha)$ in $\Lambda_c^+ \rightarrow \Lambda K^+$, $\overline{\Lambda}_c^- \rightarrow \overline{\Lambda} K^-$ value should read: $-0.02 \pm 0.11$;
Page 1 of the web version:
"Physical Constants" review (web version page 1)
(September 13, 2024):
Missing footnote [a] about the release of "2022 CODATA recommended values";
Page 546 of the journal/book publication (page 20 of the web version):
"Cosmic Rays" review (journal/book version page 546) (web version page 20)
(September 19, 2024):
Paragraph: "A. Sources with steady emissions ..." should list 4FGL as Fermi-LAT $\gamma$-ray source catalog;
Pages 23, 30 of the web version):
"Cosmic Rays" review (web version pages 23, 30)
(September 19, 2024):
- Caption to figure 30.11: the last reference should read [222] (B. Bartoli et al., 2011);
- Acknowledgement should list: "... Dr. S.Q. Xi ...";
Page 1 of the web version:
"Production and Decay of b-flavored Hadrons" review (web version page 1)
(September 13, 2024):
Revised date should read: "Revised March 2024";
Page 6 of the web version:
"Polarization in B Decays" review (web version page 6)
(September 13, 2024):
Reference [1] should read: "P. Erola, M. Kreps, and Y. Kwon, "Production and Decay of b-Flavored Hadrons," minireview in this Review;
Pages 18, 50 of the web version:
$D^0$ particle listing (web version pages 18, 50)
(September 12, 2024):
Decay $\Gamma_{94}$ should read: $K^{0}_{S} \pi^+ \pi^- 2\pi^0$;
Pages 9, 68, 69 of the web version:
$B^\pm$ particle listing (web version pages 9, 68, 69)
(October 1, 2024):
$B^\pm$ decay modes should read:
$\Gamma_{199}$   $\overline{D}^*(2007)^0 D_s^+ , \overline{D}^{*0} \to D^- \pi^+$
$\Gamma_{201}$   $\overline{D}^*_2(2460)^0 D_s^+ , \overline{D}^{*0}_2 \to D^- \pi^+$
$\Gamma_{202}$   $\overline{D}^*_1(2600)^0 D_s^+ , \overline{D}^{*0}_1 \to D^- \pi^+$
$\Gamma_{203}$   $\overline{D}^*_3(2750)^0 D_s^+ , \overline{D}^{*0}_3 \to D^- \pi^+$
$\Gamma_{204}$   $\overline{D}^*_1(2760)^0 D_s^+ , \overline{D}^{*0}_1 \to D^- \pi^+$
$\Gamma_{205}$   $\overline{D}^*_J(3000)^0 D_s^+ , \overline{D}^{*0}_J \to D^- \pi^+$
$\Gamma_{206}$   $T^*_{cs0}(2900)^{++} D^- , T^{*++}_{cs0} \to D_s^+ \pi^+$
Pages 9, 10, 53, 54 of the web version:
$B^0$ particle listing (web version pages 9, 10, 53, 54)
(October 1, 2024):
$B^0$ decay modes should read:
$\Gamma_{87}$   $\overline{D}^0 D_s^+ \pi-$, m($\overline{D}^0 \pi-$) > 2.05 GeV
$\Gamma_{89}$   $D^*(2010)^- D_s^+ , D^{*-} \to \overline{D}^0 \pi^-$, m($\overline{D}^0 \pi-$) > 2.05 GeV
$\Gamma_{90}$   $D^*_2(2460)^- D_s^+ , D^{*-}_2 \to \overline{D}^0 \pi^-$
$\Gamma_{91}$   $D^*_1(2600)^- D_s^+ , D^{*-}_1 \to \overline{D}^0 \pi^-$
$\Gamma_{92}$   $D^*_3(2750)^- D_s^+ , D^{*-}_3 \to \overline{D}^0 \pi^-$
$\Gamma_{93}$   $D^*_1(2760)^- D_s^+ , D^{*-}_1 \to \overline{D}^0 \pi^-$
$\Gamma_{94}$   $D^*_J(3000)^- D_s^+ , D^{*-}_J \to \overline{D}^0 \pi^-$
$\Gamma_{95}$   $T^*_{cs0}(2870)^0 \overline{D}^0 , T^{*0}_{cs0} \to D_s^+ \pi^-$
Page 96 of the web version:
$B^0$ particle listing (web version page 96)
(September 11, 2024):
Second "AUBERT 09B" should have listed no meaurement value in $\Gamma(\chi_{c1}(3872) K^*(892)^0)/\Gamma_\text{total}$ ($\Gamma_{251}/\Gamma$);
Page 1817 of the journal publication (page 223 of the web version):
$B^0$ particle listing (journal version page 1817) (web version page 223)
(December 20, 2024):
- $C_{\pi^0 \pi^0}$($B^0 \to \pi^0 \pi^0$) OUR AVERAGE should read: $-0.25 \pm 0.20$;
- $C_{\pi^0 \pi^0}$($B^0 \to \pi^0 \pi^0$) mesurement value for ABUDINEN 23E should read: $0.14 \pm 0.46 \pm 0.07$;
Page 2067 of the journal publication (page 1 of the web version):
$T_{c \bar{c}}(4100)^+$ particle listing (journal version page 2067) (web version page 1)
(August 20, 2024):
- Decay $\Gamma_{1}$ should read: $\eta_c(1S) \pi^+$;
Pages 2067, 2068 of the journal publication (page 1 of the web version):
$T_{c \bar{c} 0}(4240)^+$ particle listing (journal version pages 2067, 2068) (web version page 1)
(August 07, 2024):
- The comments to "AAIJ 14AG" measurements should read: $\overline{B}^0 \to K^- \pi^+ \psi(2S)$;
- Decay $\Gamma_{1}$ should read: $\pi^+ \psi(2S)$;
Page 2068 of the journal publication (pages 1, 2 of the web version):
$T_{c \bar{c} 1}(4430)^+$ particle listing (journal version page 2068) (web version pages 1, 2)
(August 07, 2024):
- The comments to "AAIJ 14AG" measurements should read: $\overline{B}^0 \to K^- \pi^+ \psi(2S)$;
Page 2162 of the journal publication (page 4 of the web version):
$\Lambda$ particle listing (journal version page 2162) (web version page 4)
(September 11, 2024):
- Number of envents (EVTS) for "ABLIKIM 22AJ" in $\Gamma(n \gamma)/\Gamma_\text{total}$ ($\Gamma_3/\Gamma$) should read 1221;
Page 2187 of the journal publication (page 3 of the web version):
$\Sigma^+$ particle listing (journal version page 2187) (web version page 3)
(September 9, 2024):
$\Sigma^+$ DECAY MODES should read:
$\Gamma_1$   $p \pi^0$      $(51.47 \pm 0.30)$%
$\Gamma_2$   $n \pi^+$     $(48.43 \pm 0.30)$%
$\Gamma_3$   $p \gamma$        $(1.04 \pm 0.06)\times 10^{-3}$,  S=2.4
Page 2188 of the journal publication (pages 4, 5 of the web version):
$\Sigma^+$ particle listing (journal version page 2188) (web version pages 4, 5)
(September 9, 2024):
$\Gamma(n \pi^+)/\Gamma(N \pi)$ OUR FIT value should read: $0.4848 \pm 0.0030$;
$\Gamma(p \gamma)/\Gamma(p \pi^0)$ OUR FIT value should read: $2.03 \pm 0.11$ $(\times 10^{-3})$; Scale factor 2.4;
$\Gamma(p \gamma)/\Gamma_{\text{total}}$ OUR FIT value should read: $1.04 \pm 0.00$ $(\times 10^{-3})$;
Page 2188 of the journal publication (page 5 of the web version):
$\Sigma^+$ particle listing (journal version page 2188) (web version page 5)
(September 9, 2024):
- "ABLIKIM 23Y" measurements in $\Gamma(p \gamma)/\Gamma_{\text{total}}$ ($\Gamma_3/\Gamma$) should read:
$0.996+-0.021+-0.018$ $(\times 10^{-3})$;
Page 2243 of the journal publication (page 32 of the web version):
$\Lambda_c^+$ particle listing (journal version page 2243) (web version page 32)
(October 3, 2024):
- "Li 23C" measurement value in $(\alpha + \bar\alpha)/(\alpha - \bar\alpha)$ in $\Lambda_c^+ \rightarrow \Lambda K^+$, $\overline{\Lambda}_c^- \rightarrow \overline{\Lambda} K^-$ should read:
$-0.023 \pm 0.086 \pm 0.071$;