A visualization in neon of a collision event recorded by the ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva. The four neon lines represent tracks left by four muons coming from the decay of a particle that may have been a Higgs boson. The particles in the background were created along with the Higgs boson. (© University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Artist: Shawna Peterson)
Visualization in Neon
How does one visualize the exploration of the secrets of the Universe, secrets such as the recently discovered Higgs Boson? Imagery (as well as math) is required to meet the challenge of explaining these highly complex processes and concepts.
Neon artist Shawna Peterson created this visualization of an actual collision event recorded at the Large Hadron Collider. This event is a possible Higgs boson decaying into four particles called muons shown above in neon.