Index to Review Section
in the 1996 Review of Particle Physics

Cut-off date for this update was January 15, 1996.

Please use this CITATION.

We present this Index to the Review Section of the 1996 Review of Particle Physics.
There is a separate Index to the Particle Listings.

(Due to idiosyncrasies in TeX, page numbers may be off by 1 page and are given only as a rough guide.)

[a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g], [h], [i], [j], [k], [l], [m], [n], [o], [p], [q], [r], [s], [t], [u], [v], [w], [x], [y], [z]

Accelerator-induced radioactivity
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 4)
Accelerator parameters (colliders)
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 1)
Acceptance-rejection method in Monte Carlo
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 2)
Accessing the high-energy physics databases
Actinide series of elements
 PostScript file
(Periodic Table -- Page 1)
Activity, unit of, for radioactivity
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Age of the universe
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Air showers (cosmic ray)
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 10)
Algorithms for Monte Carlo
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 3)
ALICE database
alpha_S QCD coupling constant
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 2)
Amplitudes, Lorentz invariant
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 2)
Amu (atomic mass unit)
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Anisotropy of cosmic background radiation
 Goes to index (Cosmic Background Radiation -- Page 6)
Argand diagram, definition
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 9)
Argon, dE/dx resolution
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 17)
Astronomical unit
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Dark Matter -- Page 1)
Asymmetry formulae in Standard Model
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 6)
Atmospheric cosmic rays
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 2)
Atmospheric pressure
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Atomic and nuclear properties of materials
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Atomic mass unit
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Atomic weights of elements
 PostScript file
(Periodic Table -- Page 1)
Attenuation length for photons
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 1)
Attenuation, photon and electron
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 1)
Average hadron multiplicities in e+e- annihilation events
 Goes to index
Averaging data, relations for
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 2)
Averaging of data
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 10)
Avogadro number
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Axial vector couplings, g_V, g_A vector
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Axion as dark matter
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Dark Matter -- Page 3)
b quark lifetime and CKM matrix
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 4)
B decay, CP violation in
 PostScript file
(CP Violation -- Page 1)
Baryon number conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Baryon resonances, SU(3) classification of
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 7)
Baryon-to-photon ratio
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Nucleosynthesis -- Page 1)
Baryons in quark model
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 7)
Bayesian approach
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 18)
B Bbar mixing
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 5)
 PostScript file
(CP Violation -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Note on B Bbar mixing)
Beam momentum, c.m. energy and momentum vs
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Becquerel, unit of radioactivity
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
BEPC (China) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 2)
ß-rays, from radioactive sources
 PostScript file
(Commonly Used Radiative Sources -- Page 1)
Bethe-Bloch equation
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 2)
Bias, definition of
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 1)
Big-bang cosmology
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
Big-bang nucleosynthesis
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Nucleosynthesis -- Page 1)
Binomial distribution, Monte Carlo algorithm for
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 5)
Binomial distribution, relations for
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 4)
Bionomial distribution, table of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 11)
Biological damage from radiation
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Birks' law
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 2)
Bivariate Gaussian
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 6)
Bohr magneton
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Bohr radius
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Boiling points of cryogenic gases
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Boltzmann constant
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Booklet, Particle Physics, how to get
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 7)
Bottom-changing neutral currents, tests for
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Bounded physical region, Bayesian approach
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 18)
Bounded physical region, frequentist approach
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 17)
Bragg additivity
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 7)
Breit-Wigner distribution, Monte Carlo algorithm for
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 5)
Breit-Wigner probability density function
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 9)
Breit-Wigner resonance, definition
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 10)
Bulletin board preprints
C (charge conjugation), tests of conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Cabibbo angle
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 1)
Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 11)
Capacitance, formulas for
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 2)
Central limit theorem
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 5)
Cepheid variables
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 2)
Cerenkov detectors
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 5)
Cerenkov radiation
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 19)
CERN databases
CESR (Cornell) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 3)
Change of random variables, relations for
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 3)
Charge conjugation (C) conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Charge conjugation of q qbar states
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 1)
Charge conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Charm-changing neutral currents, tests for
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
chi2 confidence level vs. chi2 for n degrees of freedom
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 6)
chi2 distribution, Monte Carlo algorithm for
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 4)
chi2 distribution, relations for
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 6)
chi2 distribution, table of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 11)
CKM (Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa) mixing
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 1)
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
 PostScript file
(Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients -- Page 1)
c.m. energy and momentum vs. beam momentum
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Collaboration databases
Collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 1)
Compensating calorimeters
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 12)
Compilations, particle physics
 PostScript file
(Other Compilations of Interest -- Page 1)
Compton wavelength, electron
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Conditional probability density function
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 2)
Conference databases
Confidence coefficient, definition of
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 11)
Confidence interval, definition of
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 2, 11)
Confidence intervals, normal distribution
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 12)
Confidence intervals using Student's t
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 13)
Confidence level, definition
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 13)
Conservation laws
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Constrained fits, procedures for
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 12)
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 8)
Conversion probability for photons to e+e-
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 1)
Correlation coefficient, definition
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 2)
Cosmic background radiation (CBR)
 Goes to index (Cosmic Background Radiation -- Page 1)
Cosmic background radiation (CBR) temperature
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Cosmic background radiation, deviations from isotropy
 Goes to index (Cosmic Background Radiation -- Page 6)
Cosmic ray background in counters
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 2)
Cosmic ray air showers
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 10)
Cosmic ray composition
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 2)
Cosmic rays
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 4)
Cosmic rays
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 1)
Cosmic rays in atomosphere
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 2, 10)
Cosmic rays, at surface of earth
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 4)
Cosmic rays, primary spectra
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 1)
Cosmic rays, secondary neutrinos
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 10)
Cosmic rays, underground
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 8)
Cosmological background radiation
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 3)
Cosmological constant
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 2)
 PostScript file
(Dark Matter -- Page 1)
Coupling constant in QCD
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 1)
Couplings for photon, W, Z
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Coulomb scattering through small angles, multiple
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 8)
Covariance, definition
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 2)
CP, tests of conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
CP violation, overview
 PostScript file
(CP Violation -- Page 1)
CP violation and CKM matrix
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 2)
 PostScript file
(CP Violation -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Note on B Bbar mixing)
CP violation in B decay
 PostScript file
(CP Violation -- Page 1)
CP violation in K0L decay
 PostScript file
(CP Violation -- Page 1)
CPT, tests of conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Critical density in cosmology
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Nucleosynthesis -- Page 1)
Critical energy, electrons
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 11)
Critical energy, muons
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 18)
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of
 Goes to index
  e+e- nu N, nubar N, Lambda p, gamma p, gamma d, pi± p, pi± d,
  K+ p, K+ n, K+ d, pp, pn, pd, pbar p, pbar n, and pbar d cross sections
  e+e- annihilation cross section near M_Z
  Fragmentation functions
  gamma production in p pbar interactions
  Jet production in pp and p pbar interactions
  Nucleon structure functions
  Pseudorapidity distributions
Cross sections, Regge theory fits to total, table
 Goes to index
Cross sections, relations for
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 6)
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 1)
Cryogenic gases, boiling points
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Cumulative distribution function, definition
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 1)
Curie, unit of radioactivity
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
d functions
 PostScript file
(Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients -- Page 1)
Dalitz plot, relations for
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 4)
Damage, biological, from radiation
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
DAPHNE (Frascati) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 2)
Dark matter
 PostScript file
(Dark Matter -- Page 1)
Data, averaging and fitting procedures
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 10)
Data, selection and treatment
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 9)
Databases, availability online
Databases, high-energy physics
Databases, particle physics
Day, sidereal
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 2)
Decays, kinematics and phase space for
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Deep-inelastic scattering
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 6)
delta, CKM angle for CP violation
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 2)
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 8)
Delta B = 1, weak neutral currents, tests for
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Delta B = 2, tests for
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Delta C = 1, weak neutral currents, tests for
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Delta C = 2, tests for
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Delta S = 1, weak neutral currents, tests for
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Delta S = 2, tests for
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Delta S = Delta Q, tests of
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Density effect in energy loss rate
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 3)
Density of materials, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Density of matter, critical
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Density of matter, local
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Density parameter of the universe, Omega0
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
DESY databases
Detector parameters
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 1)
Deuterium abundance
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Nucleosynthesis -- Page 2)
Deuteron mass
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Deuteron structure function
 Goes to index
Deviations from isotropy, cosmic background radiation
 Goes to index (Cosmic Background Radiation -- Page 6)
Dielectric constant of gaseous elements, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 2)
Differential Cerenkov detectors
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 7)
Dipole moment, cosmic background radiation
 Goes to index (Cosmic Background Radiation -- Page 6)
Directories, online, people, and organizations
Disk density
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Distributions, probability, definition
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 1)
DORIS (DESY) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 1)
Dose, radioactivity, unit of absorbed
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 2)
Dose rate from gamma ray sources
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 6)
Drift and proportional chamber potentials
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 11)
Durham databases
e (natural log base), value of
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
e+e- annihilation, cross-section formulae
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 3)
e+e- annihilation cross section near M_Z
 Goes to index
e+e- average multiplicity, plot of
 Goes to index
e+e- average multiplicity, table of
 Goes to index
e+e- R function, plot of
 Goes to index
e+e- two-photon process, cross-section formula
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 4)
Early universe
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Nucleosynthesis -- Page 2)
Earth equatorial radius
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Efficiency of statistical estimator, definition
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 1)
Electrical resistivity of elements, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 2)
Electric charge (Q) conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Electromagnetic calorimeters
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 11)
Electromagnetic relations
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Electromagnetic shower detectors, energy resolution
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 11)
Electromagnetic showers, lateral distribution
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 16)
Electromagnetic showers, lateral distribution
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 13)
Electron charge
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Electron critical energy
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 11)
Electron cyclotron frequency/field
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Electron mass
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Lepton Table
Electron radius, classical
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Electron volt
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Electronic structure of the elements
 PostScript file
(Electronic Structure of the Elements -- Page 1)
Electroproduction structure functions, relations for
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 2)
Electroweak analyses of new physics
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Electroweak interactions, Standard Model of
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Elements, electronic structure of
 PostScript file
(Electronic Structure of the Elements -- Page 1)
Elements, periodic table of
 PostScript file
(Periodic Table -- Page 1)
Energy and momentum (c.m.) vs. beam momentum
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Energy loss (fractional) for electrons and positrons in lead
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 2)
Energy loss rate, form factor corrections
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 2)
Energy loss rate for charged particles
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 2)
Energy loss rate in compounds
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 6)
Energy loss rate, restricted
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 7)
Energy loss rate for muons at high energies
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 17)
epsilon (permittivity)
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 2)
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
epsilon0 (permittivity of free space)
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
epsilonhat1 epsilonhat2 epsilonhat3 electroweak variables
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Equivalent photon approximation
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 4)
Error ellipse for multivariate Gaussian
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 14)
Error estimates in least-squares fitting
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 6,9)
Error estimates in likelihood fitting
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 4)
Error function
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 5)
Error propagation
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 23)
Error propagation, straight-line fit
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 8)
Errors, treatment of
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 10)
Established nonets for the mesons
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 6)
Estimator, definition of
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 1)
Excitation energy
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 3)
Expectation value, definition
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 1)
Expectation value, relations for
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 1)
Experiment databases
Exponential distribution
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 9)
Exposure, radioactivity, unit of
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
F1, F2, F3 structure functions
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 2)
F2 structure function, plots
 Goes to index
Fermi coupling constant
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Fermi plateau
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 4)
Feynman's x variable
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 2)
Field equations, electromagnetic
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Fine structure constant
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Fits to data
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 10)
Fitting data, relations for
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 3,5)
Flavor-changing neutral currents, tests for
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Forbidden states in quark model
 PostScript file
(Naming Scheme for Hadrons -- Page 1)
Force, Lorentz
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Fractional energy loss for electrons and positrons in lead
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 2)
Fragmentation functions, relations for
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 3)
Fragmentation, heavy quark
 Goes to index
Fragmentation in e+e- annihilation
 Goes to index
Friedmaun equation
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
g_V, g_A vector, axial vector couplings
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
gamma (Euler constant), value of
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
gamma p and gamma d cross sections, plots of
 Goes to index
gamma production in p pbar interactions
 Goes to index
gamma-rays, from radioactive sources
 PostScript file
(Commonly Used Radiative Sources -- Page 1)
Gamma distribution, Monte Carlo algorithm for
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 4)
Gamma distribution, relations for
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 9)
Gamma distribution, table of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 11)
Gauge couplings
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Gaussian distribution, Monte Carlo algorithm for
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 4)
Gaussian distribution, multivariate
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 5)
Gaussian distribution, multivariate, table of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 11)
Gaussian distribution, relations for
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 5)
Gaussian distribution, table of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 11)
Gaussian distribution, upper limits
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 12)
Gaussian ellipsoid
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 6)
Gauss-Markov theorem
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 10)
Gell-Mann-Okubo formula
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 2)
Gravitational acceleration g
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Gravitational constant G_N
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Gravitational lensing
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 5)
Gray, unit of absorbed dose of radiation
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Hadronic calorimeters
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 12)
Hadronic colliders, radiation levels
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 6)
Hadronic flavor conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Hadronic multiplicities in e+e- annihilation
 Goes to index
Hadronic shower detectors
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 12)
Half-lives of commonly used radioactive nuclides
 PostScript file
(Commonly Used Radiative Sources -- Page 1)
Halo density
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Heavy physics from precision experiments
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Heavy quark fragmentation
 Goes to index
Helium abundance
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Nucleosynthesis -- Page 2)
HERA (DESY) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 4)
Higgs boson in Standard Model
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Higgs boson mass in electroweak analyses
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Higgs, M_H, constraints on
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
History of measurements, discussion
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 12)
Hubble constant
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 1)
Hubble parameter
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
ID particle codes for Monte Carlos
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Particle Numbering Scheme -- Page 1)
Ideal mixing in quark model
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 6)
Ideograms, criteria for presentation
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 11)
IHEP databases
Impedance, relations for
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 2)
Importance sampling in Monte Carlo calculations
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 2)
Inclusive distributions, one-particle, relations for
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 7)
Inclusive hadronic reactions
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 5)
Inclusive reactions, kinematics for
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 7)
Inconsistent data, treatment of
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 11)
Independence of random variables
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 2)
Inductance, relations for
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 2)
Inorganic scintillator parameters
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 1)
Inorganic scintillators
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 5)
Interactive Review of Particle Physics (RPP) system
International System (SI) units
 PostScript file
(International System of Units)
INTERNET address for comments
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 7)
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 7)
Inverse transform method in Monte Carlo
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 1)
Ionization energies of the elements
 PostScript file
(Electronic Structure of the Elements -- Page 1)
Ionization energy loss at minimum, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Ionization yields for charged particles
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 8)
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Jet production in pp and pp interactions, plot of
 Goes to index
K+ p, K+ n, and K+ d cross sections, plots of
 Goes to index
K- p, K- n, and K- d cross sections, plots of
 Goes to index
K0L decay, CP violation in
 PostScript file
(CP Violation -- Page 1)
KEKB collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 3)
Kinematics, decays, and scattering
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Knock-on electrons, energetic
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 8)
Kobayashi-Maskawa (Cabibbo-) mixing matrix
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 1)
Lagrangian, QCD
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 1)
Lagrangian, standard electroweak
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Lambda p cross section, plot of
 Goes to index
Lambda, QCD parameter
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 1)
Lagged-Fibonacci-based random number generator
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 1)
Landau distribution
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 6)
Lanthanide series of elements
 PostScript file
(Periodic Table -- Page 1)
Lattice QCD
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 16)
LBNL databases
Least-squares fitting with correlated data
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 7)
Least-squares fitting, linear
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 5)
Least-squares fitting, method of
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 8)
Least squares fitting, nonlinear
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 9)
Least-squares fitting, straight line
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 8)
Lepton conservation, tests of
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Lepton family number conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Leptons, weak interactions of quarks and
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Leptoproduction cross sections, relations for
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 1)
Leptoproduction kinematics
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 1)
Lethal dose from penetrating ionizing radiation
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 2)
LIIC (CERN) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 4)
Light element abundance
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Nucleosynthesis -- Page 1)
Light, speed of
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Light year
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Likelihood condition
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 3)
Likelihood function
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 3)
Limits (statistical) in presence of bounded physical region
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 17)
Linear least-squares fitting
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 5)
Liquid ionization chambers, free electron drift velocity
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 17)
Lorentz force
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Lorentz invariant amplitudes
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 2)
Lorentz transformations of four-vectors
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Luminosity conversion
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
MACHOs (also see dark matter limits)
 PostScript file
(Dark Matter -- Page 1)
Mandelstam variables
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 6)
Marginal probability density function
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 2)
Mass attenuation coefficient for photons, defined
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 1)
Materials, atomic and nuclear properties of
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Matter, passage of particles through
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 1)
Maximum likelihood
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 3)
Maxwell equations
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Mean energy loss rate in H2 liquid, He gas, C, Al, Fe, Sn, and Pb, plots
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 2)
Mean excitation energy
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 3)
Mean range in H2 liquid, He gas, C, Fe, Pb, plots
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 2)
Median, definition
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 2)
Median, variance of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 2)
Meson multiplets in quark model
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 1)
Meson nonets (established)
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 6)
MSbar renormalization scheme (QCD)
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 1)
MSbar renormalization scheme (Standard Model)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 2)
Metric prefixes, commonly used
 PostScript file
(International System of Units -- Page 1)
Microwave background
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 3)
Minimal subtraction scheme in QCD
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 1)
Minimum ionization
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 2)
Minimum ionization loss, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
MIP (minimum ionizing particle)
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 2)
Mixing angle, weak (sin2 theta_W)
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Mixing, quark model, ideal
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 6)
Mixing, singlet-octet in quark model
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 6)
Molar volume
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Moliere radius
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 12)
Momenta, measurement of, in a magnetic field
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 14)
Momentum c.m. energy and momentum vs. beam momentum
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Momentum transfer, minimum and maximum
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Monte Carlo particle numbering scheme
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Particle Numbering Scheme -- Page 1)
Monte Carlo techniques
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 1)
mu0 (permeability of free space)
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Multibody decay kinematics
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 5)
Multiple Coulomb scattering through small angles
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 8)
Multiplets, meson in quark model
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 1)
Multiplets, SU(n)
 PostScript file
(SU(n) multiplets and Young diagrams -- Page 1)
Multiplicities, average in e+e- interactions, table of
 Goes to index
Multiplicity, average in e+e- interactions, plot of
 Goes to index
Multiplicity, average in p p and p pbar interactions, plot of
 Goes to index
Multivariate Gaussian distribution
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 5)
Mulitvariate Gaussian distribution, table of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 11)
Muon critical energy
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 18)
Muon energy loss rate at high energies
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 17)
Muon range/energy in rock
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 8)
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 17)
 Boson Table
 Boson Listings
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 17)
 Boson Table
 Boson Listings
n-body differential cross sections
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 6)
n-body phase space
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 2)
Names, hadrons
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 9)
 PostScript file
(Naming Scheme for Hadrons -- Page 1)
Nebulae, planetary
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 3)
Neutral-current parameters, standard model expressions for
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 22)
Neutral-current parameters, values for
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 14)
Neutralino as dark matter
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Dark Matter -- Page 3)
Neutrino production structure functions, relations for
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 3)
Neutrinos as dark matter
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
Neutrinos from cosmic rays
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 10)
Neutrons at accelerators
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 2)
Neutrons, from radioactive sources
 PostScript file
(Commonly Used Radiative Sources -- Page 1)
New physics from electroweak analyses
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Newtonian gravitational constant G_N
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Nomenclature for hadrons
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Naming Scheme for Hadrons -- Page 9)
Nonets, meson (established)
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 6)
Normal distribution, confidence intervals for
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 12)
Normal distribution, relations for
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 5)
Normal distribution, table of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 11)
Nuclear collision length, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Nuclear inelastic cross section, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Nuclear interaction length, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Nuclear magneton
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Nuclear total cross section, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Nucleon structure functions, plots of
 Goes to index
Nuclides, radioactive, commonly used
 PostScript file
(Commonly Used Radiative Sources -- Page 1)
Numbering scheme for particles in Monte Carlos
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Particle Numbering Scheme -- Page 1)
Occupational radiation dose, U.S. maximum permissible
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 2)
Octet-singlet mixing in quark model
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 6)
Omega_c, critical density
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Omega_0, density parameter
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
One-particle inclusive distributions, relations for
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 7)
Optical theorem
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 9)
Organic scintillators
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 1)
P (parity), tests of conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
pp average multiplicity, plot of
 Goes to index
pp jet production
 Goes to index
pp, pn, and pd cross sections, plots of
 Goes to index
pbar p average multiplicity, plot of
 Goes to index
pbar p gamma production
 Goes to index
pbar p jet production
 Goes to index
pbar p pseudorapidity
 Goes to index
pbar p, pbar n, and pbar d cross sections, plots of
 Goes to index
Parity of q qbar states
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Partial-wave expansion of scattering amplitude
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 8)
Particle detectors
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 1)
Particle ID numbers for Monte Carlos
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Particle Numbering Scheme -- Page 1)
Particle nomenclature
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 9)
 PostScript file
(Naming Scheme for Hadrons -- Page 1)
Particle symbol style conventions
 PostScript file
(Naming Scheme for Hadrons -- Page 1)
Particle Physics Booklet, how to get
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 7)
Passage of particles through matter
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 1)
PEP (SLAC) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 1)
PEP-Il (SLAC) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 3)
Periodic table of the elements
 PostScript file
(Periodic Table -- Page 1)
Permeability mu0 of free space
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Permittivity epsilon0 of free space
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
PETRA (DESY) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 1)
Phase space, Lorentz invariant
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 2)
Phase space, relations for
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
phi-factory (Novosibirsk) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 2)
Photon and electron attenuation
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 1)
Photon attenuation length
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 1)
Photon attenuation length (high energy)
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 1)
Photon collection efficiency, sciutillators
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 1)
Photon coupling
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Photon cross section in carbon and lead, contributions to
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 2)
Photon pair-production cross section
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 12)
Photon to e+e- conversion probability
 PostScript file
(Photon and Electron Attenuation -- Page 1)
Physical constants, table of
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
pi, value of
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
pi± p and pi± d cross sections, plots of
 Goes to index
Plauck constant
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Planck mass
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Planetary nebulae
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 3)
Plasma energy
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 1)
Plastic scintillators
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 1)
Poisson distribution, Monte Carlo algorithm for
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 5)
Poisson distribution, relations for
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 5)
Poisson distribution, table of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 11)
Poisson distribution, upper limits for
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 15)
Poisson processes with background, upper limits for
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 21)
Potentials, electromagnetic
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
PPDS databases
Precision experiments, heavy physics
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Prefixes, metric, commonly used
 PostScript file
(International System of Units -- Page 1)
Preprints from bulletin boards
Primary spectra, cosmic rays
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 1)
Primordial element abundance
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Nucleosynthesis -- Page 1)
Primordial microwave background
 Goes to index (Cosmic Background Radiation -- Page 6)
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 1)
 chi2 confidence level vs. chi2 for n degrees of freedom
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 6)
Probability density function, definition
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 1)
Propagation of errors
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 23)
Properties (atomic and nuclear) of materials
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Proportional and drift chamber potentials
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 11)
Proportional chamber wire instability
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 11)
Proton cyclotron frequency/field
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Proton mass
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Baryon Table
Proton structure function
 Goes to index
Pseudorapidity eta, defined
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 8)
Pseudorapidity distribution in pbar p interactions, plot of
 Goes to index
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 1)
QCD parton model
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 2)
Quadrupoldole moment, cosmic background radiation
 Goes to index (Cosmic Background Radiation -- Page 7)
Quality factor for biological damage due to radiation
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Quantum numbers in quark model
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 1)
Quark fragmentation in e+e- annihilation, heavy
 Goes to index
Quark model
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 1)
Quark model assignments
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 1)
Quark model, dynamical ingredients
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 11)
Quark parton model
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 2)
Quarks and leptons, weak interactions of
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 2)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Quarks, current masses of
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
 Quark Table
Quarks, properties of
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 1)
R function, e+e- scattering, plot of
 Goes to index
Rad, unit of absorbed dose of radiation
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Radiation, biological damage from chronic exposure
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Radiation, Cerenkov
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 19)
Radiation length
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 10)
Radiation length, approximate algorithm
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 11)
Radiation length of materials, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Radiation, lethal dose from
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 2)
Radiation levels at collider detectors
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 6)
Radiation, long-term risk
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Radiation weighting factor
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Radiative corrections in Standard Model
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Radioactive sources, commonly used
 PostScript file
(Commonly Used Radiative Sources -- Page 1)
Radioactivity and radiation protection
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Radioactivity at accelerators
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 4)
Radioactivity, natural annual background
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 2)
Radioactivity, unit of absorbed dose
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Radioactivity, unit of activity
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Radioactivity, unit of exposure
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Radon, as component of natural background radioactivity
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 2)
Random angle, Monte Carlo algorithm for sine and cosine of
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 3)
Random number generators
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 1)
Rao-Cramér-Frechet bound
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
Refractive index of materials, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 1)
Regge theory fits to total cross sections, table
 Goes to index
Relativistic kinematics
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Relativistic rise
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 3)
Relativistic transformation of electromagnetic fields
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Rem, roentgen equivalent for man
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Renormalization in Standard Model
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 2)
Renormalization schemes in QCD
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 1)
Representations, SU(n)
 PostScript file
(SU(n) multiplets and Young diagrams -- Page 1)
Residuals, definition of
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 9)
Resistivity, electrical, of elements, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 2)
Resistivity of metals
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 2)
Resistivity, relations for
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 2)
Resonance, Breit-Wigner form and Argand plot for
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 9)
Restricted energy loss rate, charged projectiles
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 7)
rho parameter in electroweak analyses
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
rho parameter in electroweak analyses (Standard Model)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 20)
rho parameter of electroweak interactions
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 22)
Ring-Imaging Cerenkov detectors
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 7)
Robertson-Walker metric
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
Robustness of statistical estimator, definition
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 1)
Roentgen, measure of X or gamma radiation intensity
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Rydberg energy
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
S,T,U electroweak variables
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
S-matrix for two-body scattering
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Scale factor, definition of
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 11)
Scattering, relations for
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 1)
Schwarzschild radius of sun
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Scintillator parameters
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 1)
Sea-level cosmic ray fluxes
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 1)
Selection and treatment of data
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 9)
Shower detector energy resolution
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 11)
Showers, electromagnetic, lateral distribution of
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 16)
Showers, electromagnetic, longitudinal distribution of
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 13)
SI units, complete set
 PostScript file
(International System of Units)
Sidereal day
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Sidereal year
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Sievert, unit of radiation dose equivalent
 PostScript file
(Radioactivity and Radiation Protection -- Page 1)
Silicon strip detectors
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 9)
sin2 theta_W, weak mixing angle
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Singlet-octet mixing in quark model
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 6)
SLAC databases
SLC (SLAC) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 3)
Software directories
Solar equatorial radius
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Solar luminosity
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Solar mass
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Solar radius in galaxy
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Solar velocity in galaxy
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Sources, radioactive, commonly used
 PostScript file
(Commonly Used Radiative Sources -- Page 1)
SPEAR (SLAC) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 1)
Specific heats of elements, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 2)
Spherical harmonics
 PostScript file
(Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients -- Page 1)
Spin-dependent structure functions
 Goes to index
SPIRES database
SppbarS (CERN) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 4)
SSC collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 4)
Standard candles
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 1)
Standard error, definition of
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 12)
Standard Model of electroweak interactions
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Standard particle numbering for Monte Carlos
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Particle Numbering Scheme -- Page 1)
Statistic, definition of
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 1)
Statistical procedures
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 10)
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 1)
Stefan-Boltzmann constant
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Stopping power
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 2)
Stopping power for heavy charged projectiles
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 2)
Straight-line fit, relations for
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 8)
Strangeness-changing neutral currents,tests for
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Strong coupling constant in QCD
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 PostScript file
(QCD -- Page 1)
Structure functions
 Goes to index
Structure functions, electroproduction, relations for
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 2)
Structure functions in quark parton model
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 2)
Structure functions, leptoproduction, relations for
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 1)
Student's t distribution, Monte Carlo algorithm for
 PostScript file
(Monte Carlo Techniques -- Page 5)
Student's t distribution, relations for
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 9)
Student's t distribution, table of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 11)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
SU(3) classification of baryon resonances
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 7)
SU(3) isoscalar factors
 PostScript file
(SU(3) isoscalar factors and representation matrices -- Page 1)
SU(3) multiplets
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 7)
SU(3) representation matrices
 PostScript file
(SU(3) isoscalar factors and representation matrices -- Page 1)
SU(6) multiplets
 PostScript file
(Quark Model -- Page 9)
SU(n) multiplets
 PostScript file
(SU(n) multiplets and Young diagrams -- Page 1)
Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 5)
Superconducting solenoids
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 15)
Supernovae, Type Ia
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 2)
Supernovae, Type II
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 3)
Supersymmetry, electroweak analyses of
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Survival probability, relations for
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 2)
Synchrotron radiation
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 2)
Systematic errors, treatment of
 PostScript file
(Introduction -- Page 10)
T (time reversal), tests of conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Technicolor, electroweak analyses of
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
TEVATRON (Fermilab) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 4)
Thermal conductivity of elements, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 2)
Thermal expansion coefficients of elements, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 2)
theta_W, weak mixing angle
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Thomson cross section
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Three-body decay kinematics
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 3)
Three-body phase space
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Threshold Cerenkov detectors
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 7)
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 8)
Top quark mass from electroweak analyses
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Top quark mass from the Standard Model
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 14)
top, m_t, constraints on
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Total cross sections, table of fit parameters
 Goes to index
Total cross sections, summary plot
 Goes to index
Total lepton number conservation
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Transformation of electromagnetic fields, relativistic
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Transition radiation
 Goes to index (Passage of Particles through Matter -- Page 19)
Transition radiation detectors (TRD)
 PostScript file
(Particle Detectors -- Page 8)
Transuramum elements
 PostScript file
(Periodic Table -- Page 1)
TRISTAN (KEK) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 1)
Tropical year
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Two-body decay kinematics
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 3)
Two-body differential cross sections
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Two-body partial decay rate
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Two-body scattering kinematics
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
Two-photon processes in e+e- annihilation
 PostScript file
(Cross-section Formulae for Specific Processes -- Page 4)
Tully-Fisher method
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 4)
Type Ia supernovae
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 2)
Type II supernovae
 PostScript file
(The Hubble Constant -- Page 3)
Underground cosmic rays
 Goes to index (Cosmic Rays -- Page 8)
Unified atomic mass unit
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Uniform distribution, table of
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 11)
Uniform probability density function
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 4)
Unitarity triangle
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 6)
Units and conversion factors
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
Units, electromagnetic
 PostScript file
(Electromagnetic Relations -- Page 1)
Units, SI, complete set
 PostScript file
(International System of Units)
Universe, age of
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Universe, cosmological properties of
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
Universe, critical density of
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Universe, curvature of
 PostScript file
(Big-bang Cosmology -- Page 1)
Universe, density parameter of
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Upper limits, Gaussian distribution
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 12)
Upper limits, Poisson distribution
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 15)
V_ud, V_us, V_ub, V_cd, V_cs, V_cb, V_td, V_ts, V_tb
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 1)
Variance, definition
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 1)
Variance, relations for
 PostScript file
(Probability -- Page 1)
VEPP-2m (Novosibirsk) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 2)
VEPP-4m (Novosibirsk) collider parameters
 PostScript file
(High-energy Collider Parameters -- Page 2)
W boson, mass, width, branching ratios, and coupling to fermions
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
 Boson Table
 Boson Listings
Weak interactions of quarks and leptons
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 1)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Weak mixing angle (sin2 theta_W)
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Weak neutral currents, tests for (Delta B = 1, Delta C = 1, Delta S = 1)
 PostScript file
(Tests of Conservation Laws)
Weighted averaging, relations for
 Goes to index (Statistics -- Page 2)
Weinberg angle (sin2 theta_W)
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
Width of W and Z bosons
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 14)
Wien displacement law constant
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
WIMPs (also see dark matter limits)
 PostScript file
(Dark Matter -- Page 2)
Wolfenstein parameterization
 PostScript file
(Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Mixing Matrix -- Page 6)
World-Wide Web information
x variable (of Feynman's)
 PostScript file
(Kinematics -- Page 2)
Year, sidereal
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Year, tropical
 PostScript file
(Astrophysical Constants)
Young diagrams
 PostScript file
(SU(n) multiplets and Young diagrams -- Page 1)
Young tableaux
 PostScript file
(SU(n) multiplets and Young diagrams -- Page 1)
Young's modulus of solid elements, table
 PostScript file
(Atomic and Nuclear Properties of Materials -- Page 2)
Z boson, mass, width, branching ratios, and coupling to fermions
 PostScript file
(Physical Constants)
 Goes to index (Standard Model -- Page 1)
 Boson Table
 Boson Listings
Z width, plot
 Goes to index

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Betty Armstrong