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Reviews, Tables, and Plots
in the 2001 WWW Review of Particle Physics

Please use this CITATION: D.E. Groom et al. (Particle Data Group), The European Physical Journal C15 (2000) 1 and 2001 off-year partial update for the 2002 edition available on the PDG WWW pages (URL: (bibtex)

New: Standalone figures are now available for these reviews.

* Constants, Units, Atomic and Nuclear Properties
* Standard Model and Related Topics
* Particle Properties
* Hypothetical Particles
* Astrophysics and Cosmology
* Experimental Methods and Colliders
* Mathematical Tools
* Kinematics, Cross-Section Formulae, and Plots
* Authors, Introductory Text, History plots

Constants, Units, Atomic and Nuclear Properties

Physical constants (2000v) PS PDF (6 pages)
Astrophysical constants (Rev.) PS PDF (7 pages)
International System of units (2000v) PS PDF (2 pages)
Periodic table of the elements (Rev.) PS PDF (1 page)
Electronic structure of the elements (2000v) PS PDF (2 pages)
Atomic and nuclear properties of materials (2000v) PS PDF (2 pages)
Electromagnetic relations (2000v) PS PDF (2 pages)
Naming scheme for hadrons (2000v) PS PDF (3 pages)

Standard Model and Related Topics

Quantum chromodynamics (Rev.) PS PDF (26 pages)
Electroweak model and constraints on new physics (Rev.) PS PDF (42 pages)
Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing matrix (2000v) PS PDF (13 pages)
Quark model (2000v) PS PDF (9 pages)
CP Violation (Rev.) PS PDF (5 pages)
CPT Invariance Tests in Neutral Kaon Decay (2000v) PS PDF (4 pages)
CP Violation in KS -> 3pi (2000v) PS PDF (1 page)
Fits for KL CP-Violation Parameters (2000v) PS PDF (7 pages)
CP Violation in B Decay -- Standard Model Predictions (2000v) PS PDF (19 pages)

Particle Properties

(Hypothetical particles are listed below.)
The Mass of the W Boson (Rev.) PS PDF (3 pages)
Extraction of Triple Gauge Couplings (TGC's) (2000v) PS PDF (2 pages)
Extraction of Anomalous Z Z gamma,
Z gamma gamma, and Z Z V Couplings (2000v)
PS PDF (1 page)
Anomalous W/Z Quartic Coupling (New) PS PDF (1 page)
The Z Boson (Rev.) PS PDF (16 pages)
Charged Leptons
Muon Decay Parameters (Rev.) PS PDF (7 pages)
tau Branching Fractions (2000v) PS PDF (5 pages)
Electron, muon, and tau neutrino Listings (New) PS PDF (3 pages)
No. of Neutrino Types from Collider Expts. (Rev.) PS PDF (2 pages)
Two-flavor Oscillation Parameters and Limits (2000v) PS PDF (2 pages) errata
Solar neutrinos (Rev. ) PS PDF (12 pages)
Limits from Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay (Rev.) PS PDF (3 pages)
Neutrino mass (2000v) PS PDF (17 pages)
Quark Masses (2000v) PS PDF (14 pages)
The Top Quark (2000v) PS PDF (12 pages)
Pseudoscalar-Meson Decay Constants (2000v) PS PDF (5 pages)
Scalar mesons (2000v) PS PDF (7 pages)
The eta(1440), f(1420), and f_1(1510) (2000v) PS PDF (5 pages)
The Charged Kaon Mass (2000v) PS PDF (4 pages)
Rare Kaon Decays (Rev.) PS PDF (8 pages)
CPT Invariance Tests in Neutral Kaon Decay (2000v) PS PDF (4 pages)
CP Violation in KS -> 3pi (2000v) PS PDF (1 page)
Fits for KL CP-Violation Parameters (2000v) PS PDF (7 pages)
D Mesons (2000v) PS PDF (1 page)
Production and Decay of b-flavored Hadrons (2000v) PS PDF (39 pages)
B0-Bbar0 Mixing (2000v) PS PDF (18 pages)
CP Violation in B Decay -- Standard Model Predictions (2000v) PS PDF (19 pages)
Baryon Decay Parameters (2000v) PS PDF (4 pages)
The Lambda(1405) (2000v) PS PDF (5 pages)
Charmed Baryons (Rev.) PS PDF (6 pages)
Lambda(c)+ branching fractions (2000v) PS PDF (2 pages)

Hypothetical Particles

Searches for Higgs Bosons (2000v) PS PDF (27 pages)
 -  Theory (Rev.) PS PDF (27 pages)
 -  Experiment (2000v) PS PDF (23 pages)
Light Gluino PS PDF (2 pages)
Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (Rev.) PS PDF (15 pages)
Searches for Quark and Lepton Compositeness (Rev.) PS PDF (5 pages)
Axions and other Very Light Bosons
 -  Theory (2000v) PS PDF (6 pages)
 -  Astrophys. Constraints (2000v) PS PDF (7 pages)
 -  Exp. Limits (2000v) PS PDF (8 pages)
The W' Searches (2000v) PS PDF (6 pages)
The Z' Searches (Rev.) PS PDF (8 pages)
Leptoquark Quantum Numbers (Rev.) PS PDF (3 pages)
Non-q qbar Mesons (2000v) PS PDF (5 pages)

Astrophysics and Cosmology

Experimental tests of gravitational theory (Rev.) PS PDF (11 pages)
Big Bang cosmology (New) PS PDF (28 pages)
Big-bang nucleosynthesis (New) PS PDF (11 pages)
Global cosmological parameters: H0, Omega, and Lambda (2000v) PS PDF (17 pages)
Dark matter (New) PS PDF (11 pages)
Cosmic background radiation (Rev.) PS PDF (13 pages)
Cosmic rays (2000v) PS PDF (19 pages)

Experimental Methods and Colliders

Accelerator physics of colliders (Rev.) PS PDF (9 pages)
High-energy collider parameters (2000v) PS PDF (3 pages) errata
Passage of particles through matter (2000v) PS PDF (31 pages) errata
Particle detectors (Rev.) PS PDF (35 pages)
Radioactivity and radiation protection (2000v) PS PDF (9 pages)
Commonly used radioactive sources (2000v) PS PDF (1 page)

Mathematical Tools

*Probability (Rev.) (see table immediately below) PS PDF (11 pages)
*Note only the table at the end of the above file is replaced here: PS PDF
Statistics (Rev.) PS PDF (26 pages)
Monte Carlo techniques (2000v) PS PDF (7 pages)
Monte Carlo particle numbering scheme (2000v) (HTML page)
Clebsch-Gordan coeff., sph. harmonics, and d functions (2000v) PS PDF (1 page)
SU(3) isoscalar factors and representation matrices (2000v) PS PDF (3 pages)
SU(n) multiplets and Young diagrams (2000v) PS PDF (3 pages)

Kinematics, Cross-Section Formulae, and Plots

Kinematics (2000v) PS PDF (10 pages)
Cross-section formulae for specific processes (Rev.) PS PDF (5 pages)
Structure functions (New) PS PDF (22 pages)
Fragmentation functions in e+ e- annihilation (New) PS PDF (14 pages)
Cross sections and related quantities, plots of (HTML page) (Rev.)

Authors, Introductory Text, History plots (2000v)


Authors (HTML page) (2000v)

Introduction and text (2000v) PS PDF (14 pages)
Online particle physics information (HTML page) (2000v) PS PDF (18 pages)
History plots (2000v) PS PDF (1 page)

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