Searches & Hypothetical Particles
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Pentaquarks (rev.)
Extra dimensions searches (rev.)
W'-boson searches (rev.)
Z'-boson searches (rev.)
Supersymmetry: theory (rev.)
Supersymmetry: experiment (rev.)
Axions and other similar particles (rev.)
Quark and lepton compositeness, searches for (rev.)
Dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking: implications of the H(0) (rev.)
Grand unified theories
Leptoquarks (rev.)
Magnetic monopoles (rev.)
Muon anomalous magnetic moment (rev.)
Neutrinoless double-beta decay
Anomalous W/Z quartic couplings (QGCs)
Anomalous Z Z gamma, Z gamma gamma, and Z Z V couplings
Data Listings
Neutral Higgs Bosons, Searches for
Charged Higgs Bosons (H
and H
), Searches for
Heavy Bosons, Other Than Higgs Bosons, Searches for
Axions (A0) and Other Very Light Bosons, Searches for
Heavy Charged Lepton Searches
Double-beta Decay
Heavy Neutral Leptons, Searches for
b' quark (4**th Generation)
t' quark (4**th Generation)
Free Quark Searches
Magnetic Monopole Searches
Supersymmetric Particle Searches
Searches for Quark and Lepton Compositeness
Extra Dimensions
WIMP and Dark Matter Searches
Other Particle Searches