During the time between editions of the Review of Particle Physics and the Particle Physics Booklet, we often find a number of errata. We correct most errata on our WWW pages. If you should find errata that are not known to us, please send mail to pdg @ lbl.gov.

For errata in previous editions, please see:

Page 590 of the book and journal publication (page 58 of the Web version):
"Particle Detectors at Accelerators" review (journal page 590) (Web version page 58)
(May 26, 2023):
- In the 4th par in section "Creation of charges" inline equation for the energy resolution should read $\sigma_E/E = \sqrt{F/(\omega_i E)}$.
Page 677 of the book and journal publication (page 4 of the Web version):
"Machine Learning" review (journal page 677) (Web version page 4)
(January 6, 2023):
- The right hand side of equation (41.1) should read: $ \int\mathcal{L}(u, f(u))\ p(u)\ du $.
Page 1145 of the journal publication:
$W$ Particle Listing (page 1145)
(August 12, 2022):
- $\Gamma(\tau^+ \nu)/\Gamma(e^+ \nu)$, i.e. $\Gamma_4/\Gamma_2$ data block should not list AAD 21AN measurement.
- OUR AVERAGE value should read: $1.043 \pm 0.024$.
Page 1145 of the journal publication:
$W$ Particle Listing (page 1145)
(August 12, 2022):
- $\Gamma(\tau^+ \nu)/\Gamma(\mu^+ \nu)$ data block should also list AAD 2021AN measurement:
$0.992 \pm 0.007 \pm 0.011$   $^1$ AAD 21AN   ATLS    $E^{pp}_{cm}$ = 13 TeV
- OUR AVERAGE value should read: $1.008 \pm 0.031$   Error includes scale factor of 2.7.
Page 1586 of the journal publication (page 1 of the Web version below):
$D_1^*(2760)^0$ Particle Listing (page 1)
(August 17, 2022):
- The $\Gamma_1$ decay of $D_1^*(2760)^0$ should read: $D^+ \pi^-$.